The section is static on an Activate account page template, it was added initially and cannot be removed.
Desktop offset top
- the top indent of the section on the desktop;
Desktop offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the desktop;
Mobile offset top
- the top indent of the section on the mobile;
Mobile offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the mobile.
You can customize the text content in the Activate account section of Accounts (classic).
- setting allows you to select a Title for the section;
- setting allows you to select a subtext for the section;
- setting allows you to select a label for the Password input;
Password aria label
- setting allows you to select a aria label for the Password input;
Password confirm
- setting allows you to select a label for the Password confirm input;
Password confirm aria label
- setting allows you to select a aria label for the Password confirm input;
- setting allows you to select a label for the Submit button;
Submit aria label
- setting allows you to select a aria label for the Submit button;
- setting allows you to select a label for the Cancel button;
Cancel aria label
- setting allows you to select a aria label for the Cancel button;
You can customize the text content in the Account section of Accounts (classic).
Show password
- setting allows you to select a aria label for the show password button.
You can customize the text content in the Accessibility section of General
- setting allows you to select a title for the error;
From error title
- setting allows you to select the from error title;