In this section, you can add max 4 blocks with images and add hot spots that help customers buy specific products.
In order to add a section, you need to go to Customizer
→ Add Section
→ Sale looks
- the heading of the section;
Make first opened
- open first hop-spot in the section by default;
Container width
- a container width of the section. If the “Inherit” value is selected then the container width is based on the group 'Layout' settings in the Theme settings;
Desktop offset top
- the top indent of the section on the desktop;
Desktop offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the desktop;
Mobile offset top
- the top indent of the section on the mobile;
Mobile offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the mobile.
- an image of the block.
- the product, that will show in the popup after clicking on hotspot;
Product image
- the setting allows you select a custom image instead of a product image;
Spot horizontal position
- horizontal position of the hotspot;
Spot vertical position
- vertical position of the hotspot.