The section allows customers to buy a bundle of products. In this section, there is no possibility to buy products separately, only together.
In order to add a section, you need to go to Customizer
→ Add Section
→ Bundle
- the setting is responsible for section heading;
- the setting is responsible for section subheading;
- the setting is responsible for products shown in the section;
Button label
- the setting is responsible for the button label;
Disabled button label
- the setting is responsible for button label when not all products are set;
Button style
- the setting is responsible for button style type;
Show total price
- the setting is responsible for showing the total price above the add to card button.
Container width
- a container width of the section. If the “Inherit” value is selected then the container width is based on the group 'Layout' settings in the Theme settings;
Desktop offset top
- top indent of the section on the desktop;
Desktop offset bottom
- bottom indent of the section on the desktop;
Mobile offset top
- top indent of the section on the mobile;
Mobile offset bottom
- bottom indent of the section on the mobile.