This settings block is intended for general Cookie bar settings on the site.
In order to get to the Cookie bar settings block, you need to go to Customizer
→ Theme Settings
→ Cookie bar
- the setting is responsible for enabling the popup;
Cookie time
- the setting is responsible for the time until the popup is re-displayed when the user closes it;
- setting allows you to set title text;
- setting allows you to set description text;
Button labels
- setting allows you to set button text;
Show shadow
- setting allows you to enable/disable shadow below the popup.
- the setting is responsible for widget background color;
- the setting is responsible for widget text color;
Button close
- the setting is responsible for the close button color;
Button background
- the setting is responsible for the button background color;
Button border
- the setting is responsible for button border color;
Button label
- the setting is responsible for button text color;
Button background (hover)
- the setting is responsible for the button background color on hover;
Button border(hover)
- the setting is responsible for the button border color on hover;
Button label (hover)
- the setting is responsible for button text color on hover.