In order to add a section, you need to go to Customizer
→ Add Section
→ Store locator
- heading of the section;
- subheading of the section;
Address heading
- heading of the address;
Address icon
- icon of the address (50 x 50px recommended);
Address text
- text of the address;
Phone heading
- heading of the phone;
Phone icon
- icon of the phone (50 x 50px recommended);
Phone text
- text of the phone;
Email heading
- heading of the email;
Email icon
- icon of the email (50 x 50px recommended);
Email text
- text of the email;
Schedule heading
- heading of the schedule;
Schedule icon
- icon of the schedule (50 x 50px recommended);
Schedule text
- text of the schedule;
Button label
- button text;
Button link
- button link;
Button style
- button style. You can select the “Primary” or “Secondary” style;
Show social
- shows or hides social media icons;
Social text
- the text displayed before the social media icons;
- an image for the section;
Reverse content
- change media content position on desktop;
Google maps API key
- setting allows you to add a Google Maps API key. Learn more about how to create an API key;
Map query
- the setting allows you to add a query parameter that is responsible for adding a point on the map. In our case, only the place mode has been added. You can add one point to the map in many ways. Learn more about how to add a query parameter;
Container width
- a container width of the section. If the “Inherit” value is selected then the container width is based on the group 'Layout' settings in the Theme settings;
Desktop offset top
- the top indent of the section on the desktop;
Desktop offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the desktop;
Mobile offset top
- the top indent of the section on the mobile;
Mobile offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the mobile.