→ Add Section
→ Collection list
- you can set a title for the section;
Text alignment
- you can choose one of two positions for the text;
Image aspect ratio
- you can choose the look of the picture;
Card per row
- you can choose the number of columns;
Enable rounded cards
- you can add rounding and padding for images;
Overlay color
- you can set the color for the overlay;
Image text
- you can set the color for the text;
Container width
- a container width of the section. If “Inherit” value is selected then container width based on the group 'Layout' settings in the Theme settings;
Desktop offset top
- the top indent of the section on the desktop;
Desktop offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the desktop;
Mobile offset top
- the top indent of the section on the mobile;
Mobile offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the mobile.
- you can select a collection for the block;
- you can choose an alternative picture for the collection;