In order to add a section, you need to go to Customizer
→ Add Section
→ Text line
Hide bullets
- a checkbox that shows or hides bullets;
- setting allows you to fill in the text content for the section. Use Enter to split the text into sentences;
Movement speed (desktop)
- setting allows you to set the speed of the ticker for the Desktop;
Movement speed (mobile)
- setting allows you to set the speed of the ticker for the Mobile.
- setting allows you to set the background color of the section;
- setting allows you to set the color of the text.
Inner indent
- set the height of the ticker;
Desktop offset top
- the top indent of the section on the desktop;
Desktop offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the desktop;
Mobile offset top
- the top indent of the section on the mobile;
Mobile offset bottom
- the bottom indent of the section on the mobile.